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March 12, 2018

Hello everybody, 

This week has been crazy spiritual and crazy fun and while on a mission fun and spiritual just go so well together. The Area I am in is known as Tustin Meadows, and it is a more humble place than you would originally find. It also has a lot of Spanish and it makes me wish I would have paid attention more to my Spanish classes. We are constantly teaching people and now have 20 investigators! I am definitely not bragging here, because all of them came before I got here. We did, in this week alone, put six of them on date to be baptized and I am excited to see them progress towards that goal.
The last amazing thing that happened this week was a stake conference. We got to hear our mission president speak and we also got to hear Elder Karren of the 70 speak. They both are amazing spiritual giants, and I am super happy to know that those are some of the men that are help leading this church.

That is all I have for this week and I am super grateful for all the emails you send me, thank you!

Elder Wasden


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