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MTC Highlights

July 22, 2017

Dear Mom,

I'm pretty happy that I can finally email you. Not being able to for these first couple days kinda made it hard. The MTC is actually pretty cool and the food is not so bad either (your food is better mom), but I just want to get out into the field and start teaching out there. I've already seen a lot of people I know and a lot of people that look like someone I know, like my companion.

July 22, 2017

Hey Everyone,
I have missed you all and can't wait to hear from all of you. The MTC is actually pretty cool with its good food and the thousands of people you meet everyday. What really made my day was being able to play some sports for my exercise time which was one thing I was afraid I wast going to be able to do. In all honesty I did not realize how far out of my comfort zone I would be going when I came out on this mission. I love being out here, but part of me can't wait to see you all again in 726 days. If you get the time I'd love to hear from you.

I am going to miss coming over to the Wing parties and eating grandpa's delicious food, I'm also Going to miss wrestling with Marcus, by the way we will have a rematch when I get back. The MTC is a pretty cool place, but the food isn't very good when compared to grandpa's food. It is a lot like school except for the fact that there really are no popular kids and unpopular kids and everyone gets along with each other which surprised me at first. I was hoping that grandpa and Marcus would be able to send me some stories on there missions and some of the people and experiences they encountered. I hope to hear from you soon and hopefully I'll get better at typing.

July 29, 2017

Well, classes aren't really what you think, it is the same class every day with Brother Smith, who is my teacher. He goes over the possible outcomes and experiences we will find on our mission. Towards the end of each class he acts like an investigator and we practice different scenarios every day, and that is class.
I did get your package and I have to say....I started to cry a little bit. I didn't realize how much I missed you guys until I got that package. Let me guess Alex got me the fidget spinner and Lily and Zoey did the amazing pictures and the prayer rock. I love you all so much.
I have already gotten some great habits from being here, I wake up at six every morning, go to bed at 10-11 every night, read my Book of Mormon every morning and night, do push ups and sit ups, and I write in my journal on a daily basis.

Here at the MTC things are going well, I feel that they could be going better with a few things, but I can't complain.... God knows what he wants me to become and I can't wait for the many opportunities to better myself. I am heading out to Anaheim in a week and a half and I feel so ready to get out of the MTC (school).

We have had a few investigators assigned to my companion and me, and I feel they are understanding quite a bit, but they are a little scared to make the commitment of baptism, its kind of disappointing.

My class teacher is the best, he made this video:

I miss you all and pray for all of you every night and I'm glad to have had all of you be amazing examples to me, thank you!

Tell Cameron that to bear a testimony is to explain your love for Christ and by doing so you gain an even stronger testimony which is of course even more love for Christ. One of my regrets was not bearing my testimony more. Take advantage of the opportunities you are given, they don't come around all that often.

Aug 4, 2017

First, tell Cam to check his email, and second these first few weeks were pretty much like a big EFY and it was pretty fun especially with all the elders that are here. I sure am going to miss these guys.

Aug 6, 2017

(Regarding a talk given at the MTC by Elder Bednar)

The spirit was so strong and he did a question and answer, but he mainly talked about how being on a mission wasn't about us and that we are doing it for our God, our savior, and our families both in the field and at home.

I miss you guys so much and wish you a good night.


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