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December 18, 2017

"What Jesus Did for Me" by Yongsung Kim
Hello everybody,

This week has been pretty crazy as far as experiences go. However, I have to say that I have loved all the emails you have sent! It has helped me through my hardest times and I am super happy to know that I have such great examples inspiring me.

So my experience takes place on Thursday night. We were about to head in for the night when I thought to go see if a potential investigator was home.  We walked up to his house, but decided not to knock because of how late it was. We went next door and talked to a man standing outside and he was not interested, but still super nice. So as we were walking back to our bikes and stopped in front of his house and decided to give it a knock... the potential opened the door and he stood there looking at us as though he had seen an angel. He invited us in before we could get a word out and as we sat down he told us why he was so excited to see us. Literally, right before we knocked on the door, he was sitting on his couch asking God, "what can I do to serve and come closer to you?"

I know for a fact that the prompting to go knock was the Holy Ghost, and I am so happy to be able to recognize it. It turned out that the potential investigator was actually an inactive member and our being there inspired him to come back to church.

I know God lives and I know He loves me and will use me to reach out to those around me. 

Love you all,
Elder Wasden


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