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November 13, 2017

Hola Amigos,
So this week has been a little easier in comfort as well as actually knowing who wants the missionaries over or not. So, one major change that my companion and I are currently trying to do is learn Spanish. I have run into a lot of Spanish speakers and I have picked a few things up, but I really want to be able to talk to them and have a decent conversation.  High school Spanish is definitely haunting me this week.

We were able to visit a lot of people, but one difference that I have noticed between Birch Hills and North Hills is that North Hills had a few more youth and while being out here I have found that I really like being able to talk and connect with them.

It has been a slow week and I honestly had a lot of study time and I can't believe how my testimony has grown from my studies.  All I need now is to be able to share my testimony with people, because what invites the spirit more to a conversation than a testimony of how the gospel of Jesus Christ is true.

Ok, California really, really, really likes greasy food, and I honestly feel like every hamburger I have picked up is just dripping with grease! This would not be bad if it didn't destroy my stomach so companion is definitely agreeing with me on this. I miss your cooking Mom! 

So this has literally been my week and it has been pretty slow, but such is life on the mission. I hope for God's guidance and love every moment of my mission. I love all of you and wish the best to all of you, may you always look for God's hand in your lives.

Elder Wasden

(P.S. I am pretty sure that after my mission I am not going to be able to respond to Ethan since I probably wont recognize it.)


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