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September 18, 2017

[transcribed from audio recording]

Hello everyone.

So I'll just be going through my week and how everything has gone.  I figure these audios will do a little better.  I hope so.  If you feel otherwise please email me and tell me.  Yeah and I apologize for all the emails I haven't been able to send out.  I wish I had more time to, but being out here my mission, my focus needs to be on my mission, on the people I serve.

Okay,  well I'll start with last week.  Last p-day was pretty eventful.  Me and my companion, Elder Ukena, we went to the leasing office with Elder Jones and Elder Trujillo.  We pretty much played pool and sent emails, and we only were there for about half an hour,so we don't get much done.
We then went to a church building, the Euclid building, and there we played a game called Pivot.  Pivot is kinda like Dodge ball, and well . . . So you have a volleyball and you have to throw and get the other players out if you hit them.  Well, me being a goal keeper, I threw the ball at Elder Jones to get him out, and he dodged it, and the ball kept flying and it hit a sister who wasn't playing--who is actually doing emails--right in the face . . . dead right in the face ... I felt so bad.  Like she dropped her iPad that she had right off the stage.  She fell back and I was like "oh crap, I'm done for.  I'm done  for.  I just hit a sister.  I'm going to telestial."  She did have a bloody nose, but besides that it was actually something to laugh about.  She took a picture of it and now she guilt trips me over it.  I deserve it, every little bit.

Tuesday went pretty well.  I actually had a lot of fun.  To start with our dinner canceled.  They apparently didn''t have enough time.  Work was a pretty hectic for them.  Due to the fact that we had bikes, there was a lot of biking Tuesday.  It was pretty brutal on me.  But hey, I'm kinda glad to work off all that missionary fat that I'm getting.  Yeah, members are very good to us when it comes to food.  Well, we visited quite a few people.  We had . . . yeah it w was today that we had a service project with a guy named Mario.  We had to help him fix up his porch and that took about five hours, because whoever built that thing before did not do such a good job.  We had to kind of take it apart but I kind of like the building experience.  It's something I've always liked.

Wednesday.  We had district meeting today and apparently there was a device audit during the district meeting and all the sisters were gone.  So is just my companionship--Elder Ukena and I--and Elder Jones and Elder Trujillo.  So it wasn't really a meeting, because everyone else would usually be there wasn't there.  We had dinner with a member today and they fed us really well, like REALLY well, like I ate too much and actually it hurt to ride my bike.  There was Book of Mormon class and our recent convert came to that.  He has he has been struggling with the word of wisdom but he's grown so much in the gospel, and it has been amazing to be a part of that.

Thursday . . .  Actually I should probably explain an experience that I forgot to tell.  It happened the night right after I had ...  Okay, I'm trying to think of this experience.  It was like middle of the night and I was dozing in and out of sleep.  I can't remember if I was dreaming.  Iwas just drifting in and out.  All of a sudden I hear my companion giggle.  It's dark, it's night, and I can't see,  and I can barely see anything, and I hear him giggle.  I look over at his bed, and since it's dark and his blanket is black it doesn't look like he's in his bed.  I'm freaking out all of a sudden.  I don't even move.  I don't think he's in his bed, and I hear him giggle.  And one thing about Elder Ukena, he has done  pranks on me before  and I have done some on him.  I was so ready for him to jump out of somewhere.  It was dark, and I had no idea where he was.  For all I knew he was laying right at the bottom of my bed ready to jump out.  I was actually pretty freaked out  But then I stood up and I started walking around, and I walked by his bed and I could see movement, and I jump over in my bed, and he's still asleep in his bed.  He just had giggles in his sleep.  It was kind of weird on its own creepy but I got a laugh out of it.  So did he when I told him about it.

Well ... for that day, we had to ride up Puente to go visit our word mission leader, and on Puente, I should tell you there's a giant hill, like a BIG hill, and we had never noticed it.  Heck we have a car . . . we had a car . . . it was a nice car.  But no, now we had a bike.  It hurt to ride up that hill.  I made it a goal not to get off my bike once while riding up that hill.  I think I lost a lot of fat and gained a lot of muscle.  I was pretty happy with that actually.  I'm so ready for college soccer.

Friday.  So today was weekly planning, and weekly planning is the funnest day because it takes up most of the day.  We sit down and we plan for the next week.  There are steps to it so it takes quite a while.  We had taught an investigator named Michael, and he's pretty open.  He's pretty cool  with just telling us how he feels.  I had a very spiritual experience with that.  I had a prompting to ask him why was he interested in our gospel.  My companion, Elder Ukena, was reading him a scripture, a very powerful scripture, but Michael wasn't really very interested.  He was yawning.  He was leaning back in the "I'm-not-very-interested-in-this" position, and I asked him why.  He told us, "I don't know."  He told us he wasn't sure why he was taking lessons or what he is doing, and with that Elder Ukena and I were able to talk to him, to actually address his needs, because it's not just about teaching the lesson when it comes to missionary work; it's about teaching people.
So yeah, with that we were able to tell him our testimony and it was amazing to see how his mood changed over that.

Today was a pretty amazing day.  We started with heading to Mario's to do service again.  Once we got there, it actually turned into a scripture reading.  Mike had remembered a scripture about a prayer but he couldn't remember where it was in the Book of Mormon.  So for about three hours we went through the biggest, deepest Book of Mormon read that I have ever been in. In the end sadly we were not able to find the scripture, but it wasn't a loss.  We all found stories that were pretty amazing and we were able just to share those with each other.  It was a great testimony builder and it was a great lesson.  We went to that Jackson's and they fed us pizza for dinner.  Like I said, members are very nice to us. Very nice!  I love it.  At the same time I'm going to gain some weight with this. 

We were unable to go, but we heard about the religious freedom talk by D. Todd Christofferson.  I'm not sure if that was broadcasted so you guys could watch it .  If so I'd love some emails on it, maybe a little description of what it was, because I was not able to go and see it, and I really want to.

Saturday.  Honestly, this day was normal.  We went tracting.  We went and knocked on some houses, and we pretty much just had the goal today of talking to everyone.  Sadly, nobody really seemed to be interested.  In fact, it seems like a lot of times when people look up and see a missionary, they're like, "don't make eye contact. Walk, just walk."  So that was Saturday.  No dinner that day, just cereal  pretty much.  College life for a missionary.

The next day, Sunday.  Now this was probably my most eventful day.  So I'm laying there asleep. 
All of a sudden, I wake up to this pounding on our door, like someone is trying to rip the door off its hinges.  And I get up, and in my tired state, I thought it must be the other elders, they must be coming over.  So I'm walking to the door and then I'm like wait, we're not expecting anyone.  And I look over at the clock on the microwave and it says one o'clock, directly one o'clock.  And I thought to myself wait, no one is coming over.  What what the heck? I went over and I tapped Elder Ukena.  He was awake apparently, but he was still kind of in and out of sleep.  He hopped up, and was like, "what's going on?"  And the the pounding on the door is still happening.  And so he tries to look through the little peephole that's in the door but whoever it is has the other side covered.  Everything's going through our mind, like we're thinking we could open the door, but because they're covering the peephole, we're not sure if they're armed with a weapon or not.  So we're freaking out, we're like "oh my gosh what's gonna happen?"  So I head into the backroom to get dressed in a shirt and jeans.  And I come back and I grabbed a baseball bat.  And this took me around five minutes to do and the guy was still pounding.  He was still trying to get in.  He was tapping on our window and everything.  Luckily our window had blinds so you couldn't see in.  But I've got the baseball bat and I was ready to defend myself.  So after about ten more minutes the knocking stops and you hear the guy leave.  We didn't know what it was and in the end we came to the conclusion it was either a drunk guy thinking it was his apartment or it was just some  homeless guy looking for food, because apparently that has happened a few times. 

Sunday we went to church.  We were able to have ward council, so we got a lot of things figured out with investigators.  And afterward we had dinner with a family that was even further up the hill then brother Jordan was.  So we suffered even more that day on my bike.  I forgot to mention, my bike . . . I sat down too hard on the seat, and the seat came off.  So now whenever I have to ride my bike I have to ride standing up.  #muscleworkout

Well that's as far as we've gone.  I'll be sure to clue you in more next week.  Stay tuned.  I look forward to hearing from all of you who read my blog because I'm sure there's not a whole lot of people.  I'm not a very popular are impressive guy.


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