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September 11, 2017

Hello Everyone,

I actually managed to get all of the days typed and my email sent rather than delete it.  As usual I will have a big email full of my days and moments, and what I have found is that there are a lot of opportunities and moments when on your mission. A mission is never about the person serving, it is about the people you serve. You don't improve your testimony with the intention of using it for yourself, but you use your testimony to help others realize what God and the gospel can do for them.

Sept 5, 2017
When I came out here on my mission I was pretty excited, but I soon found that missionary work was not what I expected. The world is a different place and people may not always take kindly to missionaries. It has come to me that when you teach and the person doesn't accept what you have taught, it doesn't mean the lesson was a waste of time or effort. It means that you and God now know that no matter the circumstance, you are willing to share the gospel. "Dare to be a Mormon, dare to stand alone, dare to have a purpose firm, dare to make it known". This is how I would describe my day, many appointments that didn't happen and a lot of people who weren't interested, but we did meet with a few people and even though they weren't totally sold in learning about our church, I was glad that I got to know them.

Sept 6, 2017 
Today was as normal as it gets. I did find myself missing home and a lot of other people, places, and things, but I also found the cure to homesickness: serving and loosing yourself in the mission. 

Sept 7, 2017
Today I had exchange, and I spent the day with Elder Jones. I had fun and I really like getting to know other missionaries and hearing their testimony.  It's an inspiration to me and a lot of the times I look to strive to be like those who have been out longer. We visited a lot of potentials and well...we kind of dropped all of them, so now we have no potential investigators in that area. For the rest of the time, we visited with strangers along a small pond. It was a pretty grumpy day for people because no one wanted to listen, but we've got to keep pushing forward.

Sept 8, 2017
Today we had weekly planning and we were unable to get that done so we are probably going to have to do that on Sunday. We rode our bikes all over and again not very many people would even look at us. We did have one appointment with Michael and that actually happened. We taught him about the Restoration and he accepted baptism, but he doesn't want to make a date until he reads more of the Book of Mormon. I hope he does.

Sept 9, 2017
Another exchange, but this one was with Elder Lee who is an "Asian Canadian"--those are his words by the way--and he is an awesome missionary. He is also my Zone leader. He taught me throughout the day and showed me the way to strengthen my testimony as well as share it more. He is very spiritual and I hope to go on another exchange with him soon.


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