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August 14, 2017

Hey everyone,
I am not sure where to begin, since so much has happened since my last email. I guess I'll start off with a day-to-day account of what I have done in the past few weeks.  Luckily I had written a lot of these drafts throughout the week.

Tuesday 8/8/2017
To start off today, I had to wake up at 2:30 in the morning which wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Elder Phelps and I had packed the day before so all we had to do that morning was take our stuff to the travel office. Here we loaded up and went to the airport. We spent an hour waiting for our plane and while we waited I spent the whole time trying to contact my family before I left, but everything I was trying to do wasn't working! I tried the payphone three times and that didn't work. Then I tried a few Skype calls, but the wi-fi was terrible at the airport and so that didn't work. I finally was able to talk for a few minutes when my companion allowed me to use his disposable phone. Thank you Elder Phelps! The rest of the day, after we had landed, was spent going to meetings with President Golden and meeting my new companion, Elder Ukena. By the time I was assigned to Elder Ukena, it was already pretty dark and late so all we did was head to the apartment and get settled in for the night and this concludes my first day in the field.

Wednesday 8/9/2017
Today started off with me waking up at 6:00 am, then realizing that I can sleep to 6:30 am, so that was a plus. Today was pretty slow since it was full of more meetings, and we did try and go "finding" (which is just knocking on doors) but nobody was very interested. I did meet up with more elders today, Elder Lee, Elder Jones and Elder Yeager.  They are all really cool. At the end of the day we met the new ward mission leader and we got a pretty good plan together for a few investigators we are going to teach. We tried to meet with up the bishop but sadly that didn't work out since he had left literally a few minutes before we got there. 

Thursday 8/10/2017
Today we had district meeting, which was cool, and even more so when I found out that my companion is the district leader. Later we did service at a restaurant for the homeless.  It's called Mary's Kitchen and there I did dishes and that took me back to when I worked at Ogden Pizzeria....defiantly something I don't miss. After that we tried to visit some members but sadly no one was home, or they just didn't want to open the door.

Friday 8/11, Saturday 8/12/2017
I forgot to write yesterday so I am going to try and combine today and yesterday into one. Friday was a really slow day due to the fact that I did not have a very good day. Everywhere we went there was either no one home or someone just opened the door looked at us and slammed the door in our face. I pushed that day out and focused on the next. Saturday we spent a lot of time helping a member move out of one apartment and into the next. This reminded me of trying to move Grandpa Wasden out of his house since this lady had just as much stuff as he did. Well, we moved a lot of the big items out and got them into her new apartment. However we had to take apart the fridge to get it in the new apartment, but that only took like an hour to do, huff. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAM!!!! 

Sunday 8/13/2017
 Classic Sunday of going to church at the new ward and getting to know everyone there. We met a lot of people and the church in all honesty looks a lot like a school. For dinner tonight we went to the Olson's and had corn beef and cabbage and the way they were was exactly like Grandpa and Grandma Wing, plus there dog was the same breed as Misha and Suki. We taught two people today, Randy and Jeff. We went to a home ready to teach Ashley, but God had a different plan for us. we ended up teaching her husband who is Catholic, and we connected really well, and I have to say that Jeff is very strong in the Gospel and the way he goes head first in life inspires me to do the same. Randy is very quiet and shy, but he is also very caring and even better yet he has his baptism set for the 26th. I am seeing now that my mission is something that isn't only about teaching others, it is also about a mission that I have to accept and give my all, and with the power of my God behind me I know that I can touch the hearts of all those I teach.


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